5 Steps to Keep Busy this Holiday Season


As the weather gets colder, many of us go into hibernation mode. We may find ourselves having extra down time during the holiday season. Why? Folks are busy with parties or having guests in town. Buyers and sellers alike usually assume that buying a house this time of year is not a large priority with all of the holiday hustle and bustle taking place. But don’t let that stop you from staying busy. You can keep ahead of the curve with some creative time and prep work.

1. Get Organized

Now is the time to do clean up that you have been procrastinating all year long. Sort documents into their proper folders. Change desktop titles to easily searchable names. Organize your lists. Tidy up your desk space.

2. Research

Search the latest real estate statistics and articles to strengthen your industry knowledge. Keep up on what’s happening and what’s in the foreseeable future for your local market. Look for new leads. Find ways to keep your marketing fresh and to have your branding stand out from the competition.

3. Plan

Use your newly acquired knowledge and implement it into your strategy. Create outlines to follow for your marketing. Plan how you will seek out and follow up with new leads. Prepare documents you know will be needed at the start of the new year. Lay out a guide for how you will adjust your marketing strategy based on the change of seasons.

4. Be Creative

Take this time to do some creative brainstorming your own, and with teammates. Think of new ideas to keep your branding appealing to your audience. Create a new business card design. Change up your office space by re-positioning furniture or getting new decor. Work on a fun presentation that sums up accomplishments of the year, and goals for next year; share it with your colleagues.

5. Enjoy Time with Family and Friends

Tis’ the season to spend time with loved ones and appreciate all that we have. If you have time off during the holidays, be sure to make memories with the people who matter most!

Shea Stone, Marketing Assistant


Seasoning Your Strategy

With August on the horizon, it’s evident that Summer is slowly winding down and with the change of season, comes fresh opportunities. Would you believe us if we told you that seasons play a critical role in your business practices? If your answer was no, it’s time to become a believer.

Businesses are most successful when their strategy is completely aligned with the industry in which they reside in, right? The real estate industry is what we like to call conditional. Really quick, let’s talk variables; most of you probably have a decent understanding as to what variables are, so we won’t bore you with stale details. We like to think of the real estate business as being the dependent variable, because in actuality, real estate is generally subject to certain circumstances, or independent variables such as, status of the economy, location, etc. Then there’s you, the controlled variable. That’s right, you as the agent are the one thing that stays consistent in the world of realty. Having said this, one of your leading duties is to evolve with the seasons.

As sweltering temperatures lessen, fall will start making its way to us. Trust us we when say that now is a very prosperous time for you – or time to spice things up rather. Fall screams warm hues, sweet aromas and harvest related knickknacks – just the right kind of decor to start incorporating in a home on the market! Buyers are always eager to get settled into a cozy home, but especially prior to the holiday season, which is why tailoring your plan of action to fit the time of year is not only important, but necessary for success.

As a real estate agent there are little things that you can do to compliment each season. Light a cinnamon scented candle, or turn on the fire-place if you are showcasing a home around the holidays. During warmer months, place fresh fruit in a bowl on the kitchen counter. These small details resonate with clients! This also goes hand in hand with keeping the visuals and content fresh and up to date – accordingly. Make sure that photos of a property match the season. I think it goes without saying that a picture of a home covered in snow is quite unseemly for the summertime.

Humans are trained to base an opinion off of a first impression and you only get one chance to do so. No matter how many flowers occupy that snow-capped homes front yard, it won’t do it any justice midsummer. It’s all about presentation and developing with every aspect of the business. As the controlled variable, you have the power to administer a fitting delivery. Get out there and go season the scene!